The company is hired by international high hazard companies as well as governmental first response and law enforcement organisations, for projects such as:
- Advising on governance issues of international high hazard companies: e.g. assessing the HSE and security environment of high hazard plants in order to facilitate executive decisions that fit into (a) the legal framework of the specific country, (b) the corporate policy of the company itself, and (c) the codes of conduct of the industry, such as Responsible Care.
- Developing, implementing, evaluating and revising HSE Standards within a multinational chemical company.
- Managing multi party risk assessments for Dutch Safety Regions (in which the emergency services and towns are combined) in order to be able to define the long term strategic policy. Within these risk assessments threats of terrorism are considered.
- Designing and evaluating large scale crisis management exercises.
Resilience Academy: Besides this Anne van Galen Consultancy was responsible for the Case Studies Report within a SAFERA (ERA NET) project on industrial safety and resilience. This project involved Seveso top tier companies across 4 countries. As a result the consultancy is now developing and implementing practical training tools to assess and improve resilience within organisations.